Miracle Noodle Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta, 7-Ounce Packages

Miracle Noodle Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta, 7-Ounce Packages

Miracle Noodle Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta, 7-Ounce Packages

Thursday, December 29, 2011

HCG Diet - Weight Loss Cure, How and When to Cheat, Intentionally Or Accidentally

HCG Diet - Weight Loss Cure, How and When to Cheat, Intentionally Or Accidentally

What do you do, if you just have to have something extra to eat? It is always best to stick to the HCG Diet exactly, if you can. But if you must cheat, some ways are better than others. I've done the diet three times and learned a few things.

1) First of all, try not to eat anything with sugar or starch. Sugar stimulates insulin and insulin turns it into fat. In "Pounds and Inches," Dr. Simeons cautions against eating sugar or starch during the three weeks just after doing the Hcg Diet. It's a big no-no during the diet, too. If you are wanting something extra to eat, you might be tempted by a donut someone brought into work, some chocolate, etc. But, read on and I have some suggestions.

2) Second, try to stay within the diet by eating something that is on it. I'll explain more in a second. Also, there are a few other Foods you may not know about that are included at some Hcg Diet clinics.

3) Third, if you do cheat, try to pay attention to how whatever you eat satisfies. How do you feel after? (This is so you can be more prepared for the next time.) It is really good if you keep a Food diary of just what you eat and how you are feeling. It is one of the best things you can do, so you can check your progress. You want to be able to look back and figure out what you did right on those days that you lost more than a pound a day and when you only lost half a pound. Sometimes it is really hard to figure out.

4) If you decide you must eat something totally not on the diet, you will be in effect doing a "loading day." (I don't recomMend this!) I have done it, but it means it will be at least three days before you start losing weight again. If you must do this, then save it for a very special event and try not to do it more than once during your 23 or 40 days. This is intentional and planned and best of all you can tell yourself you are taking a day off or doing a loading day. It also works if you are in a stall or plateau.

5) Consider how much going off the diet will be costing you. Add up the costs for the diet plan, the hcg, the syringes, the alcohol wipes, the bottles of sterile water, shipping costs, etc., and divide the cost by 23 or 40 days and then multiply by 3 days and you will know what it costs you financially. If you go to a clinic or doctor, there is that cost, too.

6) Then there is the psychological cost. If you have to wait 3 days to see a new weight loss, it is very discouraging. Generally, if you eat anything not on the very specific diet, you will gain the next day. You'll lose the second, but it isn't until the third that you make new headway.

7) If you are set on having a candy bar, stop and think. Could you substitute a piece of watermelon? It would beat having a chocolate bar! And it can be quite satisfying. For those who are staying strictly on the Dr. Simeons diet, don't listen to this. It's just that I found out watermelon was allowed by a few Hcg Diet clinics. Also a few more fruits and vegetables.

8) One other thing that worked for me, when I felt hungry between meals. I would roll a bite or two of left over chicken into a leaf of lettuce like a sandwich and it made a good snack. Then I would cut back on the amount of meat (chicken, Fish, etc.) at the next meal.

More hints: you may find some fat free, sugar free marinades and salad Dressings. I like a fat free, sugar free Dressing called Maple Grove Farms Raspberry Vinaigrette, that I get at Wal-Mart.

You can make yourself an iced coffee with Stevia. It's not quite like Starbucks, but you can try that. Also you may like to take your handful of strawberries and make a smoothie to drink. Just add water, ice and Stevia in your blender. You won't even be cheating!

9) To stay on the diet, I found that eating a sliced tomato or cucumber with salt and pepper between meals really helped to keep me going and on target with the next meal. You can even broil the tomato in the oven or toaster oven with some spices. I'm not sure why it was so satisfying. It is on the diet, and the few (fat free, sugar free) calories didn't seem to hinder my losing weight.

10) One last thing. When I got sick and Tired of chicken or Fish, occasionally I had a scrambled egg or hard boiled egg. Dr Simeons Mentions in his manuscript, "Pounds and Inches, " about eggs for those who are vegetarians. I still kept losing just the same. I cooked the scrambled egg in a little water in a non-stick pan.

If you have read my other articles, then you know how I accidentally learned about eating salads, with more than one vegetable at a meal. I misunderstood and ate salads every single day and still lost weight really Fast.

Remember that when you are taking Hcg, if you eat any calories over the 500 a day, that you will gain. It is the nature of Hcg. It only works to help you lose fat when you do the very low calorie diet, called VLcd. There is a great website that helps you calculate your calories, fat, proteins, etc. called fitday.com

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Things to Eat Or Drink to Help Bring Fertility Back - I Want to Get Pregnant Now!

Things to Eat Or Drink to Help Bring Fertility Back - I Want to Get Pregnant Now!

There is not any one magic Food recipe that will guarantee conception, but what you eat can increase your chance for conceiving. One thing you have to do is start eating healthy. Start by eating less meat and more vegetables. You should be eating a lot of green vegetables. If you are not big on vegetables, you can chop them up real small and add them to your meatloaf and you probably won't even taste them.

Things to Eat Or Drink to Help Bring Fertility Back

It is good for you to drink plenty of green tea and Vitamin C too. Studies have shown that woMen who make these a part of their diet are more likely to become pregnant. Trans fat is something that you want to avoid whether you are trying to get pregnant or not. Trans fat is found in all kinds of Foods. Here is a list of the top seven Trans fat foods.

1. Margarine - is loaded with trans fats and saturated fats, both of which can lead to heart disease. Look for soft-tub margarine because it is less likely to have trans fat.

2. Packaged foods - Cake mixes and other mixes have several grams of trans fat per serving. Look for reduced fat mixes.

3. Soups - RaMen noodles contain high levels of trans fat. See if you can find fat free or reduced fat soups.

4. Fast Food - Fries, chicken, and other foods are deep-fried in partially hydrogenated oil.

5. Frozen Food - Those delicious frozen pies, pot pies, pizzas, and waffles hs trans fat. In frozen foods, baked is always heart-healthier than breaded.

6. Baked Goods - More trans fat are used in baked products than any other foods.

7. Cookies and cakes from your local grocery have plenty of trans fat in them.

If you and your partner are really trying to get pregnant you should consider the importance of a healthy diet. Making small changes in what you eat and drink can make the difference between conceiving or not being able to conceive.

You don't have to drastically change your diet to improve your chances of fertility, but one easy thing you can do is to drink more water. Drinking at least eight glasses of water daily will help to increase your fertility levels. Also, you should be eating high-fiber low-fat foods. This will improve your hormonal balance which will help your chances to conceive.

Add Color to Your Diet

You should eat more brightly colored fruits and vegetables. These foods are nutrient rich and have plenty of vitamin B and folic acid. These foods are essential for healthy sperm and ovaries. Fruits and vegetables also have plenty of vitamin C and iron. Both enhance the quality of sperm and improve the immune system. It is a good idea to include plenty of fruits in your diet.

Wholesome Grain Foods

Another food that you need to include for a healthy fertility diet are nutrient rich whole grains. These include brown rice, corn, whole wheat bread, millet, Pasta, and oats. Whole grain foods are rich in vitamins E and B which are essential for the production of healthy eggs, hormone balance, and sperm.

Eat lots of Nuts!

Nuts contain natural plant proteins. Nuts and whole grains also contain vitamin B6 and folic acid which raise your fertility levels. Here are six of the healthiest nuts to eat.

1. Walnuts are a great source of healthy omega-3 essential fatty acids which have been found to protect the heart, promote better cognitive function, and provide anti-inflammatory benefits for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema and psoriasis.

2. Almonds contain almost 25 percent of your needed daily value for the important nutrient magnesium plus is rich in potassium, manganese, copper, the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium, and calcium.

3. Cashews are a lot lower in fat than most nuts, and 65 percent of this fat is unsaturated fatty acids. 90 percent is folic acids, which is a heart healthy fat found in olive oil.

4. Pecans are a great source of over 19 vitamins and minerals including vitamins E and A, copper, manganese, potassium, zinc, folic acid and calcium.

5. Brazil Nuts are very nutrient-rich and contain protein, copper, niacin, magnesium, fiber, vitamin E and Selenium. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that works to neutralize dangerous free radicals. Studeis have shown that high amounts of selenium in Brazil nuts could help to prevent breast cancer.

6. Macadamia Nuts are high in protein, fiber, healthy monounsaturated fats, potassium and magnesium.

Fish in your diet

Omega 3 which is mostly found in Fish oil helps fertility as it linked to healthy hormone function. Good sources of iron and selenium are seafood, meat and poultry.

A good well balanced fertility diet should include five servings of fruit and vegetables, two or three servings of protein and dAiry products, and five to six servings of grains. This diet will ensure you have all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Try to eat smaller meals because three full meals can cause constipation, bloating and pre-Menstrual syndrome troubles. These are the Things to Eat Or Drink to Help Bring Fertility Back.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

What Are Yam Noodles?

What Are Yam Noodles?

Yam Noodles are an Asian item made from the "Elephant Yam". It is also known as the Devil's Tongue, but is properly called the Konjac plant. The Konjac plant is not an actual yam or tuber. The root is what's used to make jellies and flours. This flour is what is used to make these noodles. It has been used in Eastern Asia for centuries as a main staple in the diets of many cultures. The yam noodle may be better known in America as the Shirataki noodle

This noodle has been finding new popularity in the diet and weight loss world of healthy and beneficial cuisines. The "Yam" can be easily substituted for several different types of Pastas. The flavor of the noodle is almost non-existent and will not change or alter your favorite dishes. The texture is slightly stronger than typical Pasta but absorbs seasoning and sauces well giving it a deeper taste.

 The high quality and soluble fiber of the yam noodle is what gives it precedence as a great addition to any diet. If your goal is weight loss, lowering cholesterol, removing fat or regulating blood sugar, then you have so many options available with this versatile noodle. It is easy to prepare and needs very little Cooking time. Yam noodles are packaged in water. You need to only rinse the noodles and boil for a couple of minutes, drain, and rinse and add to any dish in its final sTAGes. Over Cooking the noodles will make them stiff and rubbery. You need only to warm them and let them absorb the flavors of the dish before serving.

Popular dishes can be made with the yam noodle and are perfect for hot or cool weather. Warm weather dishes use cool vegetable and Fish sauces over chilled noodles. For cooler weather, you may desire soups and spicy sauces to warm you on even the coldest of nights. Pepper pastes are often used in Asian Cooking dishes to boost fat burning effects for weight loss. Combining the health and weight loss attributes of the yam noodle, can only elevate you to your weight loss goals. 

The noodle is also used in several dishes including Kim chi, a popular Asian cabbage dish. This is also a well-known diet aid because cabbage can increase metabolism and cleanse our bodies of toxins. In addition, the glucomannan in the noodles digest slowly making it easier for your body to absorb nutrients. This easily makes the yam noodle wonderful Food for everyone. It leaves you feeling fuller for a longer period of time.